Pick your enemies carefully, as you fight him, that’s what you become.
When Jesus said, “turn the other cheek”, you take both of their cheeks.
*When faced with great difficulties* burn your bridges, go forward.
“The only necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” — Edmund Burke
Analysis of how OSHO influences other
- Bring your self down to the listener
- Say that you are not better than them, try to say it in a way that illustrate that you are not some great person. E.g. I am not the greatest intellectual. By saying this it is obvious that are not but mentioning in that it provides a hypocritical abstract senses
- Describes as some what achievable yet higher authority to the listener e.g. I have seen things, known stuff something like that
- In a deep and higher tone describe what you want to them to do
- In a monotone, and constant tone describe examples, and further definition of the core idea
- Then end it again with a deeper tone and slowly reiterating the core message
- Highlight the important keywords in your speech by slowly saying it, and sometimes in a deeper tone
- Artfully incorporate “pauses” in sentences to arouse inquisition of the listener for the keywords
- Illustrate the demand of the listener on why he is there, by highlighting their problems (but do not expose your demand), and slow down and tell them how fulfill that demand with a hint of very abstract notion of your power to help them
- Slightly hint your ability to help you, but exemplify how other people where doing it
- Never indicate directly anything that empowers the listener
- Keep the listener hungry, and wanting for your help
- Create and establish a sense of inferiority inside the listener, so he/she becomes dependent and desperate for your guideline
- Maintain a feeling for them, that you are someone familiar, and personal yet respectable to them. But maintain a distance so that they do not constantly latch on to you
- Examples and metaphors are powerful weapon
- Use various easy to understand terminology to describe ideas
- The higher the desperation the higher they are influencable. So never fulfill their desperation only deepen it. But don’t create mistrust or boredom in them
- Incorporate silence and physical gestures
- Surprise gesture of goodwill goes a long way
Influencing people who are equal or better than you are
- Create the sense of fragility in front them
- Create the sense that they become better, lucky, or responsible by helping you
- Do not blindingly rely on any people
- While relying on people to destroying your enemy, cover your tracks so that they can not come after you
Body postures
- Fluid and constant rhythm in motion
- While walking up the stairs increase your speed to maintain the constant speed that you had been maintaining
Basic Philosophy
- Every value creation activity could be monetized
- Value creation is abstract idea, but put it simply if it creates development, pleasure, fulfillment than it is of value
- Flow of wealth is the only determinant of sustainable value creation
- Difficult time’s exposes your weaknesses, so take advantage of those times learn and create defenses for those weaknesses.
- When making a retreat do it swiftly and secretively.
Power structure
- Maintain structure with people with different degrees of power
- Create an illusion that makes establishment feel like classless, yet power difference must exist
- There must people exist who will direct the difficult task which can be seen as authoritarian. You must not involve yourself in those activity, but someone must to do it.
- Inefficiency in employee’s ability must be addressed without quickly and mathematically without emotional involvement
- All organization should be run like a business
- Empower those employees with power who take power and its related responsibility as a blessing
- Distance yourself from controversial ideas, and address them through someone you trust
- Any form of benefit received should be meet with appreciation, yet do not empower them greatly
- Flexibility must be inherent for tackling any size of problem
- People should be treated as like any other assets. And like every assets they are also disposable
- Great work comes if it feels self-fulfilling, worship like and according to ones ideology
- Loyalty is not everlasting, maintain a system of monitoring and auditing the actions of subordinates without raising any suspicion and discomfort
- Tying up lose ends and destroying evidence essential in maintaining a monopoly
- Under pressure most people will respond to fear, and act to protect themselves